Monday, October 31, 2011


 Title: What Halloween is All About...
Date: 10/29/11
Scanner: Hp Photo Smart

This is the collage I did for this project. I scanned the individual items and then put them all together in Adobe Photoshop CS5. I first did the skittles and pumped up the saturation to completely change the color of them so they looked more festive for the occasion. Then I added the pumpkin layer on top of that and turned down the opacity so it looked more just like a background. I then added the individual candies and then merged them together into one layer in Photoshop. After that, I copied the layer and then turned it different directions to make it look like there was more candy than there really was. After that I simply added some type to finish it all off!

Title: Happy Halloween
Date: 10/29/11
Scanner: Hp Photo Smart

I didn't edit this scan because I thought that it looked cool the way it was. I really liked how the cotton turned out and looked really whispy for an extra added affect. For the pumpkins in the background I used plastic baggies that I cut out and then put the streamer behind that.

Title: Taste the Rainbow
Date: 10/29/11
Scanner: Hp Photo Smart

No edits here. Just cotton balls and skittles :) Enjoy!


  1. These turned out super funI I am an impressed with the creative I had such a hard time being creative with what to scan. My favorite is the "what halloween is all about". Great Job, your bannack shots turned out great as well.

  2. This is very nice. I think you did a great job of combining everything. Great incorporation of Halloween too! Your edging turned out well too. I really like your first one as it draws the focus so much more into the image. Great work.
