Title: Sunrsie
DTP: October 10, 2011; 7:45 a.m.; In front of the Rexburg Temple
F-stop: f/4.8
SS: 1/160 sec
Camera: Canon PowerShot A720 IS
Title: Rexburg Temple
DTP: October 10, 2011; 7:45 a.m.; Behind the Rexburg Temple
F-stop: f/2.8
SS: 1/20 sec
Camera: Canon PowerShot A720 IS
I took both of these pictures just as the sun was rising which made the lighting absolutely beautiful. I edited both of these images in Camera RAW. It was my first time using this to edit my images to it didn't come out quite the way I was hoping, but it's a work in progress. I changed the settings for lighting, saturation, fill light, amongst other adjustments within Camera RAW. Overall, I thought that they came out pretty decently.
cool ideas on both of your shots! I liked oh the foreground looks in the temple shot. Its really nice!