Monday, September 26, 2011

Blending/Title Overlay

Title: Growth Elsewhere
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Horticulture Gardens
F-Stop: f/8
SS: 1/100 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS

This photo came out so well that I ended up just simply adding the texture to it by simply stacking the two images and then changing the opacity on the texture.

Title: Ruged
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Horticulture Gardens
F-Stop: f/4.8
SS: 1/500 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 ISThis photo I decided not to edit because I liked how it already looked. Fortunately, the light was already hitting it at just the right angle so the small sparkling stones really showed in the original.

Title: Closeup
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Horticulture Gardens
F-Stop: f/4.8
SS: 1/60 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS

I added a Photo Filter to this image and then used the eye dropper tool to get the right shade of yellow I was looking for. It came out nicely and I didn't need to crop this image because of how well it came out from the camera.

Title: Original
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Horticulture Gardens
F-Stop: f/4.8
SS: 1/60 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS

By itself the image looks pretty good I think. I liked the position of the flower and the subtle yellow in the middle.

Title: Abundance
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Horticulture Gardens
F-Stop: f/8
SS: 1/250 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS
I tried to do the same thing to this one that I did with the closeup flower. It didn't turn out as well, but when I was editing it the difference seemed to be a bit bigger to me. the yellow is a bit more prominent which is what I was looking for. I just didn't want to overwhelm the person looking at it with too much yellow. 
Title: Original
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Horticulture Gardens
F-Stop: f/8
SS: 1/250 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS

I decided on a simple angle for this photo instead of an interesting one. I tried it and it almost seemed like too much with how much was going on in the frame already.

Title: Direction
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Baronnessa Parking Lot
F-Stop: f/2.8
SS: 1/125 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS

I selected the arrow using the Quick Select tool and then clicked on inverse select so that I could darken the road around the arrow. After that I selected the arrow again so that I could make it brighter for a better contrast. I then added the quote along with changing the font size for emphasis and then changed the opacity on the words.

Title: Original
DTP: September 24, 2011/around 4 p.m./Baronnessa Parking Lot
F-Stop: f/2.8
SS: 1/125 sec
Model: Canon PowerShot A720 IS

I really like this photo. I thought it was interesting as I was walking back to my apartment and it was the last photo I was able to capture before my camera died so I got a little lucky. I tried to have a little space in front of the arrow so that it seemed as though it was leading into something.

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