Title: Girl World
DTP: 11/07/11, around 12 a.m. , Baronnessa Apts.
F-Stop: f/5.6
SS: 10 sec.
Camera: NIKON D3100
I tried to edit this photo to get the light from my cellphone out of it, but for some reason I couldn't get it to go away without messing up the entire photo. I tried using a regular flashlight at first for this shot but it was way too harsh so I ended up using my cellphone to light paint the shoes.
Title: Girl World
DTP: 11/07/11, around 12 a.m. , Baronnessa Apts.
F-Stop: f/7.1
SS: 4 sec.
Camera: NIKON D3100
My roommate let me use her cellphone and laptop for this image. I just had the laptops on contrasting colors and zoomed in quickly to get the affect that you see here.
Title: Christmas Tree
DTP: 11/07/11, around 12 a.m. , Baronnessa Apts.
F-Stop: f/7.1
SS: 3 sec.
Camera: NIKON D3100
My roommate took her cellphone and drew a Christmas tree in the air while I took this shot. We didn't think it was going to come out but once we took a look at it we both agreed that we liked it.
Title: Girl World
DTP: 11/07/11, around 12 a.m. , Baronnessa Apts.
F-Stop: f/7.1
SS: 6 sec.
Camera: NIKON D3100
I took both my roommates cellphone and my cellphone, put mine on a red background and her's on a white background and spelled out LOVE in the air while getting this shot. I went in Photoshop and simply flipped it so you could read it.
Title: The Apartments
DTP: 11/07/11, around 7 a.m. , the round about.
F-Stop: f/36
SS: 10 sec.
Camera: NIKON D3100
I tried to get an interesting angle for this shot. The only bad thing about this shot was that I had to sit in the cold and wait for someone to drive by!
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